Two world premieres

string quartet

Our resident string quartet rehearses a work by Stefano

Another full day of rehearsals…and the first of our two final concerts at IMFA. Tonight, we heard premieres of works by myself (voice and electronics, using a line from Rilke’s First Elegy) and Jamie Leidwinger (for voice, viola, horn and piano, using a different excerpt from Rilke). I’m happy to report that both pieces went very well and were happily received by our audience! Tomorrow, we’ll hear new works by Neil, Ben and Evan, as well as two older works by Stefano (a string quartet movement and a short work for piano and 4 instruments).

In other news, the temperature took a dive today and we actually had some rain. It felt so nice to have a cool breeze and some relief from the sun. Suddenly, the view across the Bay of Trieste is much different–we can actually see Trieste, as well as the peninsula that belongs to Slovenia and Croatia.

Stefano and Jacqueline

Stefano consults with Jacqueline

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