Rome, Week 5

Day 3 in Rome: we step back in time to visit the ancient city, including the colosseum and Roman Forum. I have a vague memory of seeing the colosseum in 1984, though I’m not sure we actually went inside. It is quite an awesome sight, especially considering how well-preserved the structure has remained for almost 2000 years. The Roman Forum was quite haunting—some structures, like the Arch of Tutis and Corinthians, are perfectly visible and recognizable, while in other places, huge chunks of marble and stone are littered here and there, some clearly meant to be used as places to sit. We were happy to be visiting in the cool of February.

On our final day, we had another very unusual visit, this time to the US embassy. As it turns out, one of Luther’s most famous graduates, Calista Gingrich, is the US ambassador to the Vatican. After a lengthy and somewhat nerve wracking security process, we were ushered into a grand building which is the embassy, and then to a grand room where we met with a diplomat who told us about the embassy’s work. We then had a short meet and greet with the ambassador, who took a picture with us and shook hands with everyone.

Our final hours in Rome were spent at the Borghese gardens, where the kids found a playground, and the Spanish Steps, where we saw the restaurant I remember visiting 35 years ago.

On the Spanish Steps

In the Pantheon

Among the ruins of the Roman Forum

At the colosseum

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